My crucial interest

Now I think about where my critical interest is.Why did I choose Economics?
That kind of thought remind me of more younger days.
My thought was about "What was the important thing in totally life"
Firstly, I thought it is "Money", since it enable me to buy anything I want, even Love.But after watching Clannad, I learned it is not money, but Love. Few years later, I'm really curious in development,  and think both money and love is critically important to help people and make my life better.
I understand why I choose "development" field. That's because it seem the only thing that include only "justice".Business activities might make some people cry, but development activities do not.I can guess this kind of thought are in background.
But this doesn't come from my feeling, but from logic.
So I just need to confirm my feeling towards development.
Is it really heart-moving for my life or not.
And also, is it really worth spending my life?
When I talked about development, I need to keep thinking about one area and one person who need help.
I need use rest of  my student time for making sure.